Alan Bury, a gifted young actor, has recently garnered attention for his lead role in Name Me Lawland. This film received nominations for The Grierson Best Documentary Award and the British Independent Film Awards, and won the Best Human Rights Documentary at the Bergen International Film Festival. Alan, who started working in the industry at a young age, also impressed audiences with his performance in Mother Father Deaf and took on a lead role in the BBC's Born Deaf Raised Hearing.
Alan Bury, a gifted young actor, has recently garnered attention for his lead role in Name Me Lawland. This film received nominations for The Grierson Best Documentary Award and the British Independent Film Awards, and won the Best Human Rights Documentary at the Bergen International Film Festival. Alan, who started working in the industry at a young age, also impressed audiences with his performance in Mother Father Deaf and took on a lead role in the BBC's Born Deaf Raised Hearing.
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© 2023 The Deaf Set, All rights reserved.